Size: A peach
Gender: Jake is certain it's a boy, but Taylor and I just know we'll be adding another girl. Only time will tell...
Maternity Clothes: Not gonna lie, dressing for work is starting to become a bit of a challenge. I only have a couple of pair of dress pants that still fit (thank goodness I bought some with elastic waistbands after my last pregnancy) and lots of flowy shirts have been added to the mix. The weekends consist of all things strechy and comfortable.
Sleep: I'm starting to get some energy back which means a lot more activity during the day. Most nights I can barely keep my eyes open past 9:30.
Best Moment This Week: Finally getting some energy back! Thanks to the cooler temps last week, the tot and I were able to go for a walk each night after work and it was wonderful. She loved switching it up between her wagon, bicycle, and walking, and I loved seeing the joy on her face as she sprinted down the sidewalk and waved at the neighbors. This weekend we also deep cleaned our entire house and washed every piece of laundry so that we could start packing for our trip. A clean house always makes everything better!
Miss Anything: Really miss enjoying my morning cup of coffee. I have to make myself choke some down or I'm dying by mid-morning. I can't wait for Pumpkin Spice Latte's to roll out next week - hopefully I'll be able to enjoy them by then!
Movement: No movement but getting really anxious. I remember it being my absolute favorite part of pregnancy last time, and I'm told you feel it sooner the second time around!
Cravings: All things breakfast. I could eat a toasted bagel with cream cheese at any time of the day. I'm definitely leaning more toward carbs with this pregnancy - sweets taste good but leave such an awful taste in my mouth. Hoping that passes soon!
Sickness: Yes but I can tell it's finally starting to ease up because it's not nearly as frequent as it has been. It's still rears its ugly head every night around bedtime though.
Looking Forward To: So many things are happening this month - birthdays and vacations and all things fun. September is my favorite month of the year!
And this week's
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