Gender: It's a BOY! Time to get rid of all of those totes full of beautiful hair bows and adorable girl clothes and start shopping!
Maternity Clothes: With the weather cooling off, it's strictly leggings and maternity pants from here on out. I still can't wrap my head around how big this belly is already!
Sleep: Sleep is sporadic these days, some nights it's great and others it's an all night struggle. I'm pretty sure it will be this way for the next 5 long months. Long story short, I just never get enough.
Best Moment of the Week(s): Our gender reveal was definitely the highlight of week 18, and cleaning out the nursery was a huge accomplishment this week. Clearing out the soon-to-be-nursery was an overwhelming task since it was basically just a catch all for everything in our house that didn't really belong in another room (think guest room/office/sewing room combined), but I'm so glad the space is finally empty so we can start focusing on decor!
Miss Anything: We tailgated with friends this weekend in honor of Mizzou's homecoming and watching everyone drink tasty beverages was definitely a bummer. I'm this close to buying a case of pumpkin beer and stashing it away until spring.
Movement: This little guy has become very active lately! It's still too early to feel movement from the outside, but I know that it won't be long because his kicks are getting stronger by the day.
Cravings: My sweet tooth is finally back in action. And just in time for Halloween candy...
Sickness: We all managed to survive our first round of sickness of the season, and I'm fairly certain it won't be our last. Other than my germ-induced illness, I've felt pretty good lately.
Looking Forward To: Our 20 week ultrasound next week. I can't wait to see our little guy on the big screen! Debating taking Taylor to the appointment so she can see the baby and maybe understand a little more about what's really going on. Any thoughts/suggestions on that topic?
And last week's photo because I just couldn't get my life together enough to get it posted until now. We all battled a 24 hour stomach bug and I had an intense week at work which left me too exhausted at night to barely cook dinner let alone blog. Life gave me a swift kick in the ass last week, so I'm really glad to see it go. Ah, motherhood.
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