He is this-close to walking but can't seem to find his balance yet. He cruises along the furniture and is a speed demon while holding onto our hands, but he just can't seem to find the confidence to do it on his own. He zooms all over the house behind his walker opening every cabinet and draw he comes across and pulling out whatever he can find, leaving a trail of debris behind him wherever he goes. Since Logan is on the brink of taking those first steps, Jake took him shoe shopping last weekend while Taylor and I were on a girls' trip in St. Louis. Thank goodness his feet were too wide to fit into anything they tried on or I'm certain they would've come home with at least five pair! If there's one thing I hope Logan doesn't acquire, it's his daddy's affinity for shoes!
This boy is loud and boisterous, demanding attention from everyone in the room. He says "bye" and waves (but only when he wants to) and makes exaggerated clapping gestures along to "If You're Happy And You Know It." He recently learned to dance and will stop and drop it like its hot every time "Can't Stop the Feeling!" comes on during Trolls. Other favorite tunes (that aren't Trolls-related) are "Twinkle Twinkle Dinosaur," "The Wheels on the Bus," and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." He loves to be naked and is extremely ticklish. His sweet spots are his neck, thighs, and, of course, his belly! He loves blankets and will snuggle them so hard that you think he may not come up for air - until he does in a fit full of laughter as if it were the funniest thing in the world. He has finally mastered the proper way of going down the stairs (feet rather than head first), but he still topples down them at least once a day, laughing at the bottom as if it were the second funniest thing in the world. See? ALL. BOY.
One evening after arriving home from daycare, Taylor ran straight to the bathroom rather than into one of their bedrooms to play. Poor little Logan sat outside the bathroom door patiently waiting until Taylor was finished, eager to play but more excited to play with her. She asks for him first thing in the morning and rushes into his room to greet him as soon as he is awake. He welcomes her with a great big grin and the occasional hug, and then they immediately get to playing. These two...they are everything.
And just for fun, a comparison of Logan and I (roughly) at the age of one. I'd say there's a slight resemblance. ;c )
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