Thursday, November 3, 2016

Halloween 2016

Let me just start by saying that this was the best Halloween I've had since my mom let me get a tacky, store-bought Minnie Mouse costume (complete with creepy plastic mask!) that I wore like three years in a row as a kid.

It was that good.

Initially, I was bummed because Halloween fell on a Monday this year and that meant trying to squeeze trick-or-treating in to our already jam-packed nightly routine, but thankfully my boss let us have the day off which meant a three day weekend! We started our festivities off Saturday afternoon by having a pumpkin painting party on our back deck. It was nearly 85 degrees outside so we stripped the kids down to their skivvies, laid a plastic tarp down, and let Taylor go to town. She had such a great time and actually got the majority of the paint onto her pumpkin this year (as opposed to her arms and face like last year). Logan was his usual happy self and spent most of the afternoon laughing and jumping in his bouncer. While the pumpkins dried (and I hosed off the tot), Jake fired up the grill and we feasted on pork steaks and veggies. I know this weather is completely abnormal for this time of year, but I'll embrace it as long as it's willing to hang around.

Sunday was a chilly, low-key day consisting of errands and a quick trip to the park. We took long afternoon naps and rested up for all of the Halloween fun to come. On Monday morning, I woke up so excited to spend the day with my little monsters! I told Taylor I would make her anything she wanted for breakfast to which she replied, "I want cereal and to go to Lisa's (her babysitter)." Love you, too.

Originally, I wanted the kids to dress up as Charlie and Sally Brown from "Peanuts," but Taylor had a different idea (which she conveniently informed me of about a week before Halloween). A little creativity and some last-minute online shopping led to the most beautiful little Cinderella, a slobbery Gus Gus, and a half-ass attempt at a Fairy Godmother (although Jake thought I was Blanch from "The Golden Girls.")

After nap time, the kids and I put on our costumes then headed out to make our rounds. Our first stop was at Jake's work followed by a quick hello at the hospital before heading to their daycare party. We played games and ate snacks, and Taylor twirled around in her dress 47 times. Next, we hit up an indoor trick-or-treating event hosted by a local business (which was mostly just crowded and chaotic), but Taylor had fun and encountered lots of other Cinderellas! By the time we made our way home, the sun was setting and our street was full of kids, so we headed down the street for some trick-or-treating. Taylor had the time of her life running up and down driveways and proudly yelling "Trick or Treat" at each house. She was polite and patient, waiting her turn and only taking one piece of candy at each house while poor Logan spent his first Halloween chilling in the stroller, likely wondering what was going on, why he had a tail around his waist, and who all of the strange looking people were.

Trick or treating was short lived due to Taylor's new shoes causing blisters on her feet (we've all been there, right ladies?), so we headed back to the house to hand out candy and put the boy to bed. Taylor decided to stay outside and hand out candy with Jake, and girlfriend had an absolute blast! She really got into the gig, scaring kids as they walked up the stairs and complimenting the girls on all of their pretty dresses. She made certain, however, that she handed out the candy, giving each kid 3-4 pieces of the same kind (whether they liked it or not). She has such a strong personality, and I just love to watch her shine!

Overall, it was an awesome weekend, and we're slowly working our way through the kid's Halloween candy. Taylor is elated when we give her a single Starburst and Logan doesn't have any teeth, so I'm guessing it'll be hanging around for a while. But that's okay, because the next candy-laden holiday isn't until February and it's going to be a long winter.

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