Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week 16 Update

Sorry for the worst lighting ever on these photos. They're taken in our kitchen, which is the only room in our house that gets any natural light. Perhaps when I have more energy I'll get dressed up on the weekend and take a beautiful photo outside with the changing leaves, but for now it's a quick pic snapped on Jake's iPhone before work on a weekday morning. At least my make up is fresh and I don't look like I've been hit by a semi-truck like I do at the end of the day. Just keepin it real, folks!

Size: An avocado (tasty!)

Gender: After realizing just how impatient we are, we decided to go ahead and have a gender ultrasound this Friday. The results will be e-mailed to Jake's mom, and she will send a package revealing baby no. 2's gender which we'll unwrap with my family next weekend. I can not wait! #girlforthewin

Maternity Clothes: Oh man, the work wardrobe is getting smaller by the day. As you can tell above, I am stretching my non-maternity clothes as far as they will go, but I'm seriously going to have to do some shopping soon. This bump has taken on a life of its own!

Sleep: I'm having a real issue getting comfortable at night which means that instead of getting a full night's rest I'm basically napping in spurts throughout the night. I know it's entirely too early to be feeling this way, so I'm looking into body pillow options since my old one just isn't cutting it. Recommendations are welcome!!

Best Moment This Week: Opening up the windows and enjoying a relaxing Sunday at home. Jake let me sleep in then made waffles for breakfast (he's the best). I cleaned the house then we spent the afternoon playing and napping. It was perfect and definitely needed!

Miss Anything: A clear face! My skin has been breaking out non-stop since I became pregnant, something I never experienced with Taylor. I never realized how much I took a clear complexion for granted, but I miss it and want it back!

Movement: None yet but I am so anxious for it. I just know it's going to come out of nowhere one day while I'm typing away at my desk or standing in line at the grocery store. I am feeling a whole lot of round ligament pain though! This belly is definitely growing by the day.

Cravings: I've officially reached that point where I'm starving all the time! Things like applesauce, Cheerios, chicken nuggets, and mac & cheese always sound good. Being pregnant is basically the equivalent of being a toddler. Same cravings but larger portions. ;c )

Sickness: It's finally gone! Hallelujah! I'll take tired over queasy any day of the week.

Looking Forward To: This week is full of birthdays in our house! Mine is today and the tot's is Sunday. Saturday, my mom, sister, and I are having a girls day and taking Taylor and her cousins to see Disney on Ice. I cannot wait to see the look on her face - I just know she is going to have the time of her life! Then Sunday, we are having a small celebration with close family and a few of her friends. I still have some shopping and lots of wrapping to do, but, honestly, I could give her a handful of rocks and a bag of cookies and girlfriend would be over the moon. Don't think both options haven't crossed my mind at this point. #motheroftheyear

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