Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekend Update

Last week started off with the tot being diagnosed with pink eye and a double ear infection. That coupled with our sitter being closed due to some personal issues has made for a rough week. This poor girl was puffy and swollen Monday and Tuesday but finally started to look like herself again around Wednesday afternoon. She is such a trooper when it comes to being sick and definitely has a higher pain tolerance than I do, but those medicated eye drops are a-whole-nother story. It took Jake and I to hold her down and pry her eyelids open just to get them in. I can't decide who pink eye is worse on - the toddler or the parents. Either way, I'm glad it's gone and so thankful that Jake nor myself caught it.

By Saturday, Tay was back to her normal, energetic self (and no longer contagious), so we spent the day shopping and buying each of us some much-needed pieces for spring. It's crazy how fast the tot keeps growing, still flying through one clothing size after another. It wasn't but a few months ago that we were buying a cartload full of 18 month clothes and now all of the pants are skin tight and the tops are too short. While I love the sight of her cute little belly button, it was definitely time to buy this girl some new duds. A few hours (and a few hundred dollars) later, she has officially moved into the 2T range and has a whole bunch of new pieces that will hopefully last us through the summer.

We showed off our new apparel today at a family outing hosted by Jake's work. They rented out an arcade complete with a basketball court, bowling alley, and cosmic mini golf. Have I mentioned how much I love his company?! We attempted bowling first but quickly realized that bowling with a toddler is basically impossible. While she enjoyed pushing the ball off the kiddie stand, she didn't enjoy when we chased her down the lane and drug her back to her seat. Four frames in, we decided to head to the basketball court so she could run off some of that energy in a safer environment. After she ran a few laps, Jake attempted to teach the tot how to kick a soccer ball, but she was more interested in going behind the mesh curtain and lifting weights with the big boys. Sorry kid, not happening.

Next, we headed out to the arcade to use our free tokens. Jackpot! Taylor was instantly drawn to the driving video games and ran back to them every time we attempted a different game. She would have sat there staring at those loud, flashy promo videos and turning the shiny steering wheels all day long, but we were out of tokens (or so I thought, I later found 7 more in my pocket - whoops!) so we headed off to cosmic mini golf, upset tot in tow.

Mini golf went just about how you'd expect it to go with a toddler. We would attempt to show her how to hit the ball with the putter and she would walk over, pick up the ball, and then go put it in the hole. Every. Single. Time. We let her do her thing for 9 holes mostly because her outfit looked stellar in the black lighting but also because she was having a blast. Between staring at those driving video games and picking up neon glowing balls, I'd say she had a pretty good time. It definitely would've been more appealing to her had she been a little older, but it was still a fun (and free) time and we were able to see a bunch of Jake's co-workers who we are also lucky enough to call friends.

All in all, great weekend! Our sitter is closed this week, so that means I'll be spending tomorrow at home with the tot. This gorgeous weather is supposed to stick around which means we'll be spending our morning at the park and, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to squeeze in some work while the tot takes a long afternoon nap. Wishful thinking, I know, but we'll see. Cross your fingers for me.

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